Payment & Transfer
The subscription is free and individual. A member may buy several Diaspora Guarantee Fund and Investment (FONGAD-Invest) coupons. Get your $50 voucher on our website (click on Purchase Coupons Investment). You can also buy coupons on-site in the US at your nearest Bank of America office, dropping to the following BoA account number 4460 3973 288 (Name of Beneficiary: FONGAD-Invest SA, LLC). People who purchase over $1,000 in coupons will have the privilege to become members of the General Assembly with a vote.
Payment & Transfer
Our Bank of America account is an open pivot account where funds from the Diaspora are collected and transferred into a blocked account of the Guarantee and Investment Fund of the Diaspora (FONGAD-Invest). It is possible to buy several coupons; this helps to finance projects and increase the economic benefits they provide. A certificate will be awarded to each member confirming its official title of member of the Guarantee and Investment Fund for the Diaspora.
Our members will have the advantage of providing a job for themselves or competent affiliates in future projects in Senegal. FONGAD-Invest will take 70% of each project's shares and leave 30% to future employees who will have the option to buy medium or long-term from their monthly salaries. Each member will receive a document on the procedure of the structure. This document mainly states that the funds collected will be permanently blocked in an account and used only as a guarantee to raise investment funds for projects approved by the Board of Directors following the Articles of Association and the internal regulations.